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Melaka International Bowling Center - Melaka, Malaysia

Melaka International Bowling Center (MIBC) is one of the pioneer adopters to the Melaka Green Technology Blueprint and leads the effort to Go Green in order to reduce the energy consumption in its bowling center. A pilot test has been conducted by MIBC facility manager and QEOS LED light has produced astonishing outcomes, resulting in reduced energy consumption on lighting by almost 80%.

Reduce Energy Consumption

Melaka International Bowling Center runs a 16 hour operation daily. QEOS LED lighting will save more than RM 300,000 over the ESSP Program in Phase 1, by retrofitting 660 lights and is also expected to save a further RM 390,000 in energy costs in the subsequent phase. Reducing a huge amount of energy consumption effectively reduces carbon footprints hence, leads to a greener and cleaner environment. Those bowling pins have no chance!

Perfect Strikes with Better Lightings

The installation of QEOS LED lighting by QEOS ENERGY has tremendously reduced a huge amount of money spent on energy and maintenance. QEOS LED lighting provides a better and pleasant environment for everyone to have an enjoyable bowling experience.
